HuProt_v3.csv (Download)
created on 2018-08-24
HuProt v3.0, has columns: block, row, column, system ID, symbol, categories, reviewed UniProt, unreviewed UnProt, CCDS, RefSeq, Ensembl
HuProt_3.1.csv (Download)
created on 2018-08-24
HuProt v3.1, has columns: block, row, column, system ID, symbol, categories, reviewed UniProt, unreviewed UnProt, CCDS, RefSeq, Ensembl (Download)
created on 2019-04-16
HuProt v4.0, has columns: system ID, symbol, nucleotide, protein, reviewed UniProt, unreviewed UnProt, CCDS, RefSeq, Ensembl, synonyms, categories (Download)
created on 2022-01-21
230211_CDI_HuScan_H2_Library.csv (Download)
created on 2023-02-13
CDI HuScan v2.0 Library Annotations (H2) dated February 13th, 2023. Columns: SeqID ( PhageID | HGNC gene symbol | RefSeq ID | Species | Sequence # ), Description, ENSEMBL_Gene_ID, ENSEMBL_Transcript_ID, Peptide, AA_Start, AA_Stop
230211_CDI_MouseScan_M1_Library.csv (Download)
created on 2023-02-13
CDI MouseScan v1.0 Library Annotations (M1) dated February 13th, 2023. Columns: SeqID ( PhageID | MGI gene symbol | RefSeq ID | Species | Sequence # ), Description, ENSEMBL_Gene_ID, ENSEMBL_Transcript_ID, Peptide, AA_Start, AA_Stop
230414_-_HuProt_HPA_Alignment.xlsx (Download)
created on 2023-04-14
Human Protein Atlas Overlap to HuProt. For ontology enrichment analysis, subcellular localization information, etc. Nomenclature alignment done using new BLAST results file (230414 - HuProt BLAST Nomenclature.xlsx).
230414_-_HuProt_BLAST_Nomenclature_.xlsx (Download)
created on 2023-04-14
HuProt Sequence BLAST Label Curation versus UniProt (Human and Mouse). No sequences are altered, label modernization of gene-names only.